Corporate FinanceThe global financial market is characterised by excessive regulatory measures and an increasing asymmetry of the distribution of wealth. Capital measures, knowledge of the industry, experience in the market and capital market expertise are necessary to adapt to these dynamic competitive conditions. In the current market environment, consultants independent of banks and with extensive know-how in financing and capital markets play an increasingly important role.READ MORE
Asset ManagementIn an increasingly difficult and complex market environment, the internationally experienced team of SIGMA manages investment funds for its clients which have been successful for many years. In addition and taking into account all regulatory requirements, SIGMA implements customised concepts for any return and risk requested by its clients.READ MORE
Financial EngineeringSIGMA understands financial engineering as the development of the latest investment strategies and investment products based on state-of-the-art mathematical models and computer technologies. Furthermore, SIGMA considers product, company and project valuations and the resulting calculations of risk part of financial engineering.READ MORE
Capital MarketsIn times of bank crises, the capital market is not only an important alternative funding source for companies, but also a quality feature for established and mature capital companies, which are thus in the focus of institutional investors with respect to future expansion steps. A reliable and experienced partner is essential in this complex environment.READ MORE

» SIGMA Investment AG is an investment company independent of banks and insurance companies, specialising in asset management, financial engineering and corporate finance. «

Company Philosophy
Our management team of many years offers a convincing combination of excellent professional knowledge and international experience. Continuous further specialist training is a central credo of our employees, enabling them to permanently face the rapidly changing legal and economic framework conditions in the interest of our clients.

Sigma consists of a team of specialists. Average is not enough for us. Accordingly, we place high expectations on our employees. Because they are the basis of our success. If you have a clear professional goal, a special qualification or a special internship in mind, you don’t have to wait for a suitable offer on our part.