Corporate Finance

In the business unit Corporate Finance, SIGMA structures and arranges corporate financing and capital market transactions for listed and private medium-sized enterprises and medium-sized corporations across industries and throughout all classes of capital. SIGMA supports its clients in the areas of strategic market analysis, company valuation, private equity or venture capital, and corporate funding via the capital market or financial institutions. The focus lies on financing working capital, investments and growth as well as (pre-)financing projects and purchasing goods, acquisition financing for the purchase of companies, and rescheduling existing loans. Transactions to strengthen the balance sheet (for example debt-to-equity swaps) and improve working capital with the corresponding positive effects on the company rating are another focal point.

Based on our long-standing know-how, knowledge of the industry and a global corporate finance network, we provide you with professional advice. When it comes to special topics, SIGMA offers its clients its international network of external consultants.

Depending on the level of a company’s capital market maturity, the types of financing comprise equity financing, equity-related forms of financing such as hybrid or mezzanine financing, as well as debt financing. The form of financing appropriate for the company is determined and realised through bank financing or instruments suitable for the capital market. Furthermore, SIGMA also supports its clients with its own sales activities and its own sales team. It goes without saying that any back office functions will also be covered by SIGMA. In addition to the instruments suitable for the capital market, SIGMA also structures and negotiates non-securitised forms of financing such as borrower’s note loans for its clients.


  • Long-standing experience in the capital market through highly specialised employees
  • Excellent access to co-financing partners
  • Strong existing network of institutional investors in the German-speaking area
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