Capital Markets


In the business unit Capital Markets, SIGMA acts as a transaction and issue consultant as well as a Capital Market Coach of the Vienna Stock Exchange for small and mid caps, organising their entry and presence in the capital market. In capital market transactions SIGMA covers such areas as the concept, structure, preparation, due diligence, valuation, financial analysis, composition of the placement syndicate, preparation of prospectus, investor relations, public relations and working with the Vienna Stock Exchange. The focus lies on initial public offerings (IPOs), capital increases, changes of stock market segment, admission to trading, mandatory takeover offers and issues of mid-cap bonds. Moreover, SIGMA is a specialist for national and international electronic securitisation.


  • Long-standing experience in the capital market through highly specialised employees
  • Excellent contact with stock exchanges, settlement and clearing houses as well as supervisory authorities
  • Outstanding PR and IR expertise for the capital market